healthy cüps
Raise brand and partnership awareness through broadcast and YouTube in a sincere manner highlighting yogen früz’s genuine support of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. In doing so it was important that it not seem yogen früz was just another brand making a donation just so they could affix a pink ribbon to their marketing materials.
Our budget was tiny and our timeline less than a week to go from concept to broadcast!
Produce a commercial that was simple and which focused on the message and the genuine connection that yogen früz had to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.
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September 1 to October 31, 2015
“Healthy Cüps”
Production Budget:
$5,000 including editing, audio and voice talent
Media Support:
$32,000 – CityTV Toronto, WUTV Fox29 (Southern Ontario), YouTube Pre-Roll Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia
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